Update JTC 2015: detailed submission statistics available
FLAG-ERA Call Steering Committee has released detailed statistics about the FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) that closed on 27 January 2015.
The statistics about the FLAG-ERA JTC 2015 submissions can be found in the following presentation. Information is given on the distribution of the proposals per scientific area and per country. In the Graphene topic, researchers from Germany participate in the highest number of proposals, followed by Spain and Italy. For the topic on the Human Brain Project (HBP), researchers from France participate in the highest number of proposals, followed by Italy and the Netherlands. The statistics indicate that the applicants are led by a researcher which is not already a principal investigator in the Core Project in 87% of the cases for the Graphene topic and in 82% of the case for the HBP topic, while the minimum required in a proposal was 50%. This indicates a high interest of applicants who did not join the Core Projects at previous stages to become associated members to the Flagships. Earlier information on the FLAG-ERA JTC submissions can be found here.