The SCOPE project aims to answer the challenge of coordinating and supporting the partnering environment of the two Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagships, Graphene and the Human Brain Project, to ensure their visionary and highly ambitious goals are achieved. It is a three year project, funded by the European Commission. It began work in January 2017.
SCOPE will be a facilitator between HBP and Graphene Flagship Core Projects and their Partnering Projects. The SCOPE project will be an ongoing support to engage with and integrate Partnering Projects to the Flagship initiatives, draw the benefits of being part of it and assess their added value.
SCOPE will also work with FLAG-ERA, the TAIPI project, the Flagship Board of Funders, the Flagship Governance Forum, and the SCOPE Advisory Committee (formed by a representative from each of the FET Flagships, the Coordinator of FLAG-ERA and the Coordinator of TAIPI project). Together they will provide guidance and insights regarding Partnering Projects in the context of the overall Flagship environment with focus on partnering mechanisms.
SCOPE provides a valuable opportunity to ensure that Partnering Projects can be properly promoted and integrated by leveraging additional resources and extend the Flagship’s outreach and ability to benefit the research community in Europe and internationally. The resources allocated to the Core Project do not cover direct interactions and coordination with Partnering Projects as proposed in here in the SCOPE project.
SCOPE will, in the first place, raise awareness amongst Partnering Projects about activities that are organised and planned by the Core Projects. Networking is an essential element and an efficient tool for building a sense of community, for sharing research results and for developing future collaborations and research plans.
SCOPE will provide support to institutions and researchers involved in Partnering Projects to efficiently organise their interactions amongst themselves and with the Core Projects, through their participation in meetings, workshops or other relevant activities organised by the Core Project of each Flagship, and to help them create an “ecosystem” where the Core Projects co-exist and interact with the Partnering Projects.
SCOPE is closely interacting with the Partnering Division members and the Flagships Core Projects in order to identify the most relevant opportunities for support to Partnering Projects’ members and Associated Members to interact and attend networking events organised by the Graphene and HBP Flagship Core Projects.
More information on the eligibility and the type of support, can be found here: SCOPE support to Graphene Flagship Partnering Projects and Associated Members and SCOPE support to HBP Flagship Partnering Projects and Associated Members.
SCOPE provides support and dissemination for an active promotion of partnering opportunities. Researchers involved in Partnering Projects will benefit from the enhanced exposure of their project among the general public and in the media.
SINC, the science news agency of FECYT, offers communication support to the Partnering Projects in order to foster the impact of the project activities and research results of these projects. SINC will develop news, reports, interviews or audio-visual materials around the work of the researchers involved in Graphene and HBP Partnering Projects.
This scientific information will be posted on the Graphene Flagship and HBP websites and social media, on the SINC website and their social networks, and on the SCOPE social media.
SCOPE will organise meetings in conjunction with main Flagship events (HBP Summit, Graphene week, etc.), in order to discuss matters of interest to Partnering Projects, facilitate interactions between themselves and with the Core Project.
Partnering Projects and their respective Associated Members will have priority access to the different Flagship open events, schools and educational activities and they will be encouraged to act as co-organisers of the different scientific technology and innovation meetings.
In regards to governance, SCOPE will provide support to the representatives of the Partnering Projects in the governance structures.
All the dissemination, networking and governance events will be announced on the Graphene Flagship and HBP website and social media, and on the SCOPE social media.
Contact details:
SCOPE Project
E-mail: scope_project@fecyt.es