FLAG-ERA welcomes Slovak Academy of Sciences as new Member
At the recent FLAG-ERA Project meeting and Workshop that took place from 25 to 27 March 2015 in Bucharest, the General Assembly of FLAG-ERA voted in favour of accepting the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) as a new member. The organisation was granted the status of Associate Member and was invited to give a presentation on its research activities in the field of the FET Flagships.
The SAS is the second entity from Slovakia to join the FLAG-ERA Consortium, following the Ministry of Education, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (MINEDU) that joined FLAG-ERA earlier. This brings the total number FLAG-ERA members to 38 National and Regional Funding Organisations from 26 different countries including 22 Full Members and 16 Associate Members. More information on SAS and contact details are available at the page: http://www.flagera.eu/sas