FLAG-ERA launches Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2016
FLAG-ERA stands for the ‘Flagship ERA-Net’ and is a network of national and regional funding organisations from Europe and beyond. Participating countries in the FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 are for a total call budget of approximatively 14 M€*.
In the process of selecting the first two Flagships, namely the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project (HBP), four other candidates were pre-selected out of 21 proposals and led to Flagship preparatory actions, also known as “Pilots”: FuturICT, Guardian Angels, IT Future of Medicine, and Robot Companions. Though these four Pilots were eventually not selected in the second phase, they have identified topics where the Flagship model could bring much added value and have generated considerable interest in many European countries. The new JTC 2016 call will support projects in the fields of these four Flagship Pilots, with the aim of building on the visions they have identified.
Aims of the FLAG-ERA JTC 2016
The present JTC aims at supporting projects in the scope of the 4 call topics with the following main goals:
- Showcase federative activities with the potential to develop a long-lasting coordination of a large cluster of European and international research centres sharing the proposed unifying vision;
- Complement existing initiatives and have a transformative character with a high potential impact, in particular through changes of organisation and practices in research and innovation activities;
- Organise networking activities and deliver plans and recommendations to further develop research and innovation in the domain beyond the proposed project.
For more information, please consult the FLAG-ERA JTC 2016 call page.
Read the full News Release here.