Flagship Pilots

To prepare the launch of the FET Flagships, 6 preparatory actions (Pilots) were funded by the European Commission over a duration of 12 months starting from May 2011. These Pilots created a design and description of consolidated candidate FET Flagship Initiatives, including assessment of feasibility in scientific, technical and financial terms.

By mid-2012 the FET Flagship Pilots had to present a structured community in good position to implement their integrated research agenda, including the involvement and commitment from key stakeholders.

By the end of 2012, beginning of 2013 two of the Pilots ( Graphene & HBP ) were chosen and launched as full FET Flagship Initiatives in 2013.

In October 2013, FLAG-ERA was launched. It is a Consortium of European research and innovation funding agencies, research councils and ministries that jointly works towards creating an environment that facilitates the execution of (some of) the activities planned for the four Flagship Pilots (Futur ICT, Guardian Angels, ITFoM and RoboCom), so as to ensure that the effort and resources invested by the Commission and the scientific community in the preparatory phase of the FET Flagships initiative are not wasted in its WP 6.

FLAG-ERA aims at supporting research projects in synergy with the four non-selected Pilots by financing competitive transnational partnering projects. Therefore, a dedicated joint transnational call should be launched during the lifespan of the FLAG-ERA project.

For more information on the ongoing research activities and on the preparation of a Joint Transnational Call for the four Flagship Pilots, you are invited to contact the Flag-Era WP6 Leader, prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli (e.guglielmelli@unicampus.it).

The public final report of each Pilot is available here